1. Support Center
  2. Human Kind Staff Wellbeing Award

How do I apply for the DfE grant for Human Kind Staff Wellbeing Award?

If you are planning on applying for DfE funding, you must apply before the current round of funding ends on 31st March 2025.

To help you complete the DfE's form asking for evidence about your training. Here is the information you will need:

Course Code: SMHL141

Cohort 1

Start date: 30th April 2024

End date: 30th April 2025

Cohort 2

Start date: 24th June 2024

End date: 24th June 2025

You can use either your invoice or this email as your confirmation for the application.

If you have any issues with the DfE application process please contact the DfE directly at MentalHealth.LeadTraining@education.gov.uk or via the Customer Help Portal.