Is your school or college able to get DfE funding for the Senior Mental Health Leads Programme?
You can visit the GOV.UK website for full information on the grant conditions - Senior mental health lead training grant funding
If you are not located in England you can still book a place at a cost of £800 (+VAT).
All state-funded education settings in England only are eligible for a grant, but if any of the following describe your school, you are now entitled to take part in our course and it be fully funded by the DfE:
- Mainstream academies and local-authority maintained schools
- Special academies and local authority maintained schools special schools (including alternative provision)
- Independent special schools whose pupils’ education is funded by their local authority
- Further education colleges attended by under 18-year-olds (one claim per campus ID)
- Sixth form colleges
- Special post-16 institutions
- Non-maintained special schools
- Local authorities
- Independent training providers